100% Proof: DVC mints BTC, Exact Match in Data from Devcoin to BTC for First Time

Daniel R. Treccia
7 min readOct 23, 2018


Raw Data Linked on both DVC and BTC explorers proves exact match for first time ever (Devcoin Block 347,775 + BTC Block 546,925)

I decided to go deeper into both Devcoin raw blocks as well as raw transactions on BTC from Blockcypher to see exactly what was going on. What I found is the way to get the exact raw block transaction from Devcoin to show up on a BTC explorer (at Blockcypher in this example). This should be irrefutable proof that once enabled, protocols + script will allow value to be reflected on Devcoin (and other merge mined coins).

This is how merge mining truly works. Deconstruction of merge mining occurs through forks/software changes and everything that was meant to be together will come back together in the end. My process will guide you through how I found and matched data below:

Step 1: Check Devcoin Raw Blocks to find BTC Block Match

What I did here that I haven’t done before is take the “txid” highlighted below from a Devcoin raw block output (from DVC block 347,775) and plug it in as the transaction to match on a BTC block explorer.

DVC Raw Block Output (347,775)

The result to match turned out to be at BTC block 546,925. The same data is highlighted at Blockcypher below under “hash”:

BTC Raw Transaction Output (546,925)

From there I was also able to match Devcoin’s “parent_block” to a BTC “block_hash” (recorded on a BTC tx and not a BTC block):

Devcoin “parent_block” match for BTC “block_hash” (raw DVC block — source of new Bitcoins)
BTC “block_hash” match at Blockcypher (raw BTC tx — records minting of new Bitcoins from DVC blocks and then some)

Does this mean that BTC is really the parent block for this Devcoin output? It doesn’t and I can provide proof. First, this is a raw transaction, not a raw block. Raw blocks on BTC only provide records of the transactions that happen on them. The particular transaction was generated on Devcoin (DVC) blocks and recorded as a BTC transaction. Devcoin also has its own raw transaction on top of each raw block but I will explain that later.

Also, there is the fact that Devcoin has open source code and it specifically states it can claim “aux pow” while still being the parent chain. This comes from line 2073–2075 of devcoin core’s github (main.cpp):

// Start accepting AUX POW at this block// // Even if we do not accept AUX POW ourselves, we can always be the parent chain.

Also, as I have shown many times, the record of the parent chain goes back to Devcoin’s COutPoint from the coinbase transaction I was able to find in the qt-wallet debug log:

Sidenote: DVC raw txs and BTC raw txs link back to generation of new bitcoins on DVC raw blocks

The nature of Devcoin is to produce Bitcoin’s through its raw block rewards and also issue “DVC” on top of these raw blocks which attaches value to DVC. Bitcoins and DVC are recorded in both instances in a transaction that links back to the generation of bitcoins on a DVC raw block. What I am saying is this:

  1. Devcoin Block Explorers show both raw block reward and raw transactions.
  2. Bitcoin Block Explorers show rewards from DVC raw blocks in a raw transaction. The Bitcoin “raw blocks” do not show generation of any coins.
  3. Just as BTC Block Explorers show a record of a transaction, so do DVC raw transactions.
  4. Both of these transactions show a link back to the DVC raw block where it was produced. (see below)

I have already proven how DVC raw block outputs/bitcoin generation can be seen on a BTC raw transaction record. Now I will show how DVC raw transactions link back to the same DVC raw block that our example BTC transaction does (on top of DVC block 347,775):

Tx on the DVC Raw Block linked to the production of Bitcoins on BTC Raw Transaction.

This highlighted DVC “tx” is for the output of bitcoins that comes from the above DVC raw block and is seen on BTC. On this same DVC block (347,775) we can pull up a match for this transaction:

DVC Raw Tx on top of DVC Raw Block with a “50,000 DVC” output.

My theory on this is the value of DVC at 50,000 is directly tied to the block rewards of BTC (from the beginning 50 BTC to the present 12.5 BTC) because they are both reflected in raw transactions off of the same DVC raw block (the source generation of coins). Whereas BTC shows these Bitcoins, the DVC raw tx is either showing coins or tokens issued off the coins. With Devcoin being an “alternate bitcoin blockchain” my theory is that the former is taking place. Devcoin is merely issuing Bitcoins with a different measurement. In past articles I have shown were developer “markm” has explained how the value of DVC/BTC should be 1/1000 BTC for every 1 DVC. Inversely 1000 DVC could be equal to 1 BTC in the future but both can definitely be Bitcoin. Future measurements will be needed like mBTC, etc. once global adoption takes place so that people are not confused by the current decimal measurement of BTC (.001 Bitcoin would be the value of DVC). Tying the two measurements together to the same block could make it much easier to express how .001 BTC = 1 “milli-Bitcoin” and vice versa.

Step 2: Connect All Data Between Both DVC Raw Block and Matching BTC Tx

I will now explain everything that BTC raw tx’s show at Blockcypher that can be found on a DVC raw block (ref: here). Before I do so it is helpful to see the “vin” and “vout” from DVC Block 347,775 and notice where data shows up on BTC’s matching tx at BTC Block 546,925.

From this DVC raw block almost everything shows up on BTC’s raw tx to match.

All data from “vin” down show up at Blockcypher’s BTC raw tx data for BTC block 546,925. I have already explained how the DVC “txid” shows up as the BTC “block_hash” which means that this DVC block is the BTC block for this transaction record.

I will skip to “vout” to show that the value of this DVC raw block reward shows up in the same amount of Bitcoin recorded on the BTC transaction (12.54741114):

BTC raw tx record at Blockcypher for Block 546,925 matches info from DVC raw block at 347,775 exactly.

There are additions in the BTC raw tx in the “vin” portion (see ‘inputs’). While the script and sequence are seen on the DVC raw block data, Blockcypher adds additional information on this transaction in “output_index” as well as “witness”. We can find where the additional data comes from at the top of the BTC raw tx data in the “hex” portion. The hex is the entire raw transaction in bitcoins for this block:

"hex": "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"

From this raw transaction I could get the following information:

Version: 01 (matches DVC and BTC data)

Inputs: 01 (matches both)

Segwit: 0001 (is not noted on the DVC portion, but rather added on BTC tx)

Previous Output: “0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000” (matches DVC COutPoint from its coinbase transaction)


Previous Output Index: -1 (= to 0xffffffff) this matches DVC’s coinbase tx as well.

Script Length: 0x55 (85 bytes)

Scriptsig: “036d580841d6f3980e9000bb41d6f3980d9e7f812f4254432e544f502ffabe6d6dc4e02621f36599d9f3f834cc5f05422017698602882ef409f7ab90b4a1bdc8fd8000000000000000a9afabf0a8af000000000000” (on DVC raw block this is same as vin — coinbase)

Sequence: 0xffffffff (which equals -1, also equal to uint_max “4294967295” from DVC “vin”)

Witness Count: 01 (only on BTC is there record of a witness)

Witness length: 0x20 (32 bytes)

Witness: “0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000” (our witness IS the COutPoint from the original coinbase tx)

Locktime: 00000000 (or simply zero)


Output Count: 02Output 1 Value: 7ad4c94a00000000 (12.54741114 BTC)
Output 1 public key script length: 0x19 (25 bytes)
Output 1 public key script: 76a914ba507bae8f1643d2556000ca26b9301b9069dc6b88ac (exact match on DVC with BTC)
Output 2 Value: 0000000000000000 (0 BTC)
Output 2 public key script length: 0x26 (38 bytes)
Output 2 public key script: 6a24aa21a9ed072d6af1e1ddfba278cbc8ffc2a04af85f30ef00240e31ec7cc0c68f60eaf620 (exact match on DVC with BTC)

The addition of segwit to the transaction allows the input of this BTC raw transaction to be recorded as 12.5 BTC (an input “consumed” according to Blockcypher).

Clearly the input is being sent somewhere, but where? The input is likely sending value back to the source as I predicted months ago. The reason it has not happened yet (for Devcoin) is due to the blue box pictured above. The protocol is unknown from “vout” n: 1 (null-data). On DVC the same information matches up in a “non-standard” transaction. We need protocol and script enabled to reflect the true path of the network. At this point, DVC only loses value.

That is about to change.

For now, just enjoy the first ever proof in data of an exact transaction that began on DVC raw blocks and was acknowledge on BTC’s transactions/blockchain explorer.



Daniel R. Treccia
Daniel R. Treccia

Written by Daniel R. Treccia

Daniel authored two books, one on baseball statistics after a career in pro-baseball and next about how he survived a rare fungal disease + lung removal at 27.

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