A similar Namecoin tool for creating Namecoin NFT on the blockchain is called Monegraph, but the site it was used on until 2015 is no longer active. :( ... but I saw it create its PoC on Vimeo at an event filmed from early 2014 called Seven on Seven at a New York Museum! Starting to see how important Twitter and other web/media hosting social media sites are because of their history + blockchain immutability or verifiable record... Namecoin NFT apparently began with Monegraph at that event in 2014 in the new york Museum of all places. Funny how the NFT website domain right now is eggmuseum.com - fitting! I if NFT PFP on namecoin are historic what about a tweeted picture signed using Monegraph to authenticate the authorship of the tweet at a certain time on Namecoin. I get the two mixed up sometimes as they seem so similar but the OneName tool released first in March 2014 is for ID and locking it on the BLockchain for Twitter profiles (and the others) as you've taught me and Monegraph signs and SHA-256d hashs a signature key that is included with the tweet meta in a declaration on the namecoin blockchain. Proving a date and time on theblockchain by the author who signed the tweet makes monegraph better for the use of intellectual property of media (can prove they tweeted something first with blockchain monegraph + namecoin for tweeted digital property) = NFT as well. =P