I'm thrilled that many of you whether bots or not are clapping for this article. REMINDER: I was naive to write this 3 years ago... but I also still believe that Devcoin (DVC) is special for having the exact transactions on its raw blocks as BTC TRANSACTIONS (hint) have for their "newly generated coins" and lastly that Block 0 for Devcoin (DVC) is a carbon copy of BTC Block 0 albeit with a different date, and thus a different tx hash. If you want to compare here's a good link to our own emfox's (I am now a A-Team member with Devcoin developers :) - albeit a naive one) blockexplorer: https://block.d.evco.in/block/0000000062558fec003bcbf29e915cddfc34fa257dc87573f28e4520d1c7c11e
The P2PKH is the exact same at BTC Block 0 and the block reward is not the DVC amount (45000 DVC to devs and 5000 to miners), but 50.00000000 which is a BTC block rewards for BTC Block 0 and DVC Block 0 :)