I’ve Reached The Edge

Daniel R. Treccia
6 min readSep 28, 2022


And I’m happy to be silenced, because it pushed me to better places…

I just got censored from tweeting. You make a joke on a platform you can usually say just about anything and you may get angry and pout for the next 6 days and 23 hours. Or, you can reflect on it — say, wow, so that’s what triggers Big Brothers. Then you go on Messenger, because its where you’re communicating with people you mostly know in real life. You know it’s not a perfect arena but no one is using XMPP, yet, or revealing they do — and I’m no CS so you settle. Here’s a text dump of a conversation I have with a friend we will call Mr. X, as in the St. Andrews Cross of Scotland. He’s a good person and asked me about the upcoming fork of Devcoin and I told him long story short — whatever develCuy wants to do as an open source developer is his right — no one better than he to do a fork to another type of network and I will keep supporting both develCuy in his endeavors because he will keep the source code licensed with the right licenses, protected for anyone to openly access, and he’s just a downright evangelist of the same movements MarkM (who made the Devcoin genesis block and first source code for a working daemon from forking Bitcoin’s old ‘daemon’ as well).

Sometimes people don’t want to get “left behind” and Mr. X expressed worry with that. What I’ve realized is sometimes being left behind puts you in the crowd with more honorable people. That’s also a great place to be if you think being censored for a joke is ridiculous but also have used it as a reflection point, and an opportunity to explore. Without further ado, the stream of messages poor Mr. X gets from me:

*posts picture of what tweet got me restricted from my twitter*

Time to make an nft on an immutable chain with this and donate it after I lock it


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If it has a _ on twitter it usually mean . (in the user “handle”)


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twitter is a tool that connects the Japanese Web 3 via authorization api with blockchain and very very broken ASCII and Japanese 2chan and other text boards from Usenet which is where the Internet (JUNET) began when the Father of the Internet in Japan brought the JUNET fork of USENET (American and English / Latin / ASCII encoding world) from co-working with Berkeley professors who made it


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Which is why emoji


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and punycode


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and all these types of things are encodings


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tokens are encoded, read, and once correct are multi-chain multiprotocol, lightning network, client agnostic chain agnostic


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and then no more “crashes”


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like the Video game crash in Japan and the dot com crash in the US. The metagame is the meta data and the data interchange formats some experiments to see if they solve these problems between data interchange and the encoding and some purposeful left as ticking time bombs like log4js in 2021 that I found in Devcoins first source code / genesis founder etc work on his metaverse game hes been building since 1980 at least on an Apple IIe


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makemoney.knotwork.com give it a read


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he finally posted his backstory. these geniuses have played dungeons and dragons and RPG before computers were personal


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they hung out at homebrew clubs in their teens bc they realized computers were a way to gamify (Atari, Apple II’s they all had PC)


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ill stop there


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But its coming And just like I cannot access LINE (which is awesome and has a blockchain now of sorts) channels that Monacoiners use in Japan but I can access some LINE channels (I even tried VPN tricks but it knew I was trying to trick it



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You can still access those Lehman bonds


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even tho I am censored from buying in my own capital markets US OTC


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for my own good, to protect me from RISK


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Tenor GIF Keyboard


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and if I fucked my life up by buying $300 in LEH** bond like instruments bc I did my own research and the court case doesnt go my way


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it wouldnt kill me


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they just dont want you to punch them in the teeth so easily even tho its hard to see many people (besides open minds, like you, usually open GOOD hearted people that believe in the open access to information is more valuable than any $ amt)


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you see it


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and Im not pushing it for any other reason than I believe in open access for all too — I would hate to be fiat rich realizing how valueless my fiat actually was and how selfish it would be to live a life with 8.5 billion other people in this world and I did nothing to make it fair and just. Because at the end of every sports car and minute I spend knowing that my actions could change the world with this stupid fake fiat I accrue- there’s a real person, a grandmother, a baby, a man with no family who is mentally ill who can’t get a cup of water for days that lives in a country using it all for cash crops they export and that same person is starving too.

I didn’t format anything besides what is in ** at the start. I wanted to copy and paste exactly how it was when I copied it from messenger. These are my words and I am not ashamed of them. I also realize that this, too, is a place that could censor me, and I don’t care. I just didn’t want to spam Monacoin D-Board with my dribble — they deserve to have it to themselves when it comes to things they already know. Why do you think Monacoin was born from a pool of miners from “www.2ch.net” (‘2ch’ ‘2chan’)? It was the only place anonymity existed until 2014 because it was managed by a US based service provider and domain registrar thru a former US Army veteran who began a business to provide US based protections an access for Japanese web users for the first time ever outside of their government. Japan is on Web3, and we have yet to get there. The API they use extends from Web2 and in a good/evil flipside of the coin type of way Twitter is actually a part of authorizing Monacoin’s layers of immutability.

I will arweave this however. Hello #permaweb :)



Daniel R. Treccia
Daniel R. Treccia

Written by Daniel R. Treccia

Daniel authored two books, one on baseball statistics after a career in pro-baseball and next about how he survived a rare fungal disease + lung removal at 27.

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