IXC + I0C Are Like Thunder and Lightning

Daniel R. Treccia
4 min readMay 29, 2018


I wanted to go on to explain Stochastic Processes as it relates to I0coin and Ixcoin. You only need to grasp the main points here, as it relates to my theory that there are “multiple Bitcoins” going forward into the future and also that the current, energy un-efficient, Bitcoin is XBT (a beta-test).

If Bitcoin Block 0 (or earlier) is the root of IXC and I0C Block 1’s, then a bomb is about to go off in crypto — and I believe that has something to do with secure sidechains or drivechains, that can allow for Bitcoin to scale using a better blockchain, that is already its own blockchain. We can keep the Bitcoins on all three current blockchains, while we stop using the current 1 mb/block and energy draining blockchain (or XBT chain).

Using this type of system, we would also count I0C and IXC coins as Bitcoins too. Perhaps they were Bitcoins all along. Calling I0C and IXC by their name does not change their origin. If the birth of these two ancient coins was the same as Bitcoin, they are just a name change away from being one in the same with XBT coins.

Cointegration is a statistical property of a collection (X1, X2, …, Xk) of time series variables. First, all of the series must be integrated of order 1 (see Order of integration). Next, if a linear combination of this collection is integrated of order zero, then the collection is said to be co-integrated.

The area of cointegration (co-integration, not “coin” integration) that I want to expand on is the integrated order of 0 — also known as I(0):

A time series is integrated of order 0 if it admits a moving average representation

where b is the possibly infinite vector of moving average weights (coefficients or parameters). This implies that the autocovariance is decaying to 0 sufficiently quickly. This is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for a stationary process. Therefore, all stationary processes are I(0), but not all I(0) processes are stationary.

All you have to understand is the left side of the equation is less than infinity. I will let the video below explain the complex points I need to drive home here. See if you can understand how this video proposes a beta-Bitcoin blockchain (BXT) as well as a relationship possibly between I=0 processes and a variable like energy consumption via hash rate. XBT and I0C posses hash rates in the PH/s, making them secure blockchains and fortified against malicious mining attacks. Going further, I0C is faster, 99.98% minted and in circulation, and when mining is done it will have a more efficient hash rate because it will run, like lightning, on mini-blockchains as well as mobile peer-to-peer networks. The more scalible, the less energy waste. Right now XBT + the amount of peers on the network are saving its price. If the same amount of users were on I0C, the price would be similar. Remove the energy waste by making Bitcoin scale — and the price goes through the roof. I0C and IXC can accomplish this.

Yes, its confusing and I am sorry.

One other point I would like to make is that I0C and IXC benefit eachother. IXC has the biggest blocksize in crypto, and it is also done minting new coins. It has a secure blockchain as is, but if I0C connected to IXC somehow you’d be combining both Internet Exchange Points to mobile Interexchange Carriers — which would allow for data transmitted on mobile devices to securely, and quickly reach large internet exchange points. That would make both Bitcoin and the internet itself as connected and energy efficient as its ever been. We could see a new era of technology and finance as a result.

With Ixcoin, I0coin, and XBT (Bitcoin) all having a common origin (as I suspect), that would make this possibility all the more likely. That is simply how I envision things based on my own research.

Beta version of Bitcoin?

Then again, Blockstream does make mention of small Bitcoin-beta test chains being attached to their network of blockchains/sidechains which include liquid sidechains and lightning implementations (You can read about that here). So the theory itself is not that crazy. Whether one is IXC and the other is I0C is up for you to decide. I am not the only one saying things like this either. The future will tell the truth.

Lightning, from my point of view, is actually an altcoin. It’s an alternative chain. It’s an alternative consensus mechanism that just happens to be tied back to Bitcoin. From every point of view — it’s got different address formats, it’s got different wallets, it’s got different way of transacting, different constraints, different servers you connect to — everything that matters in terms of technology, it is a different system.

Edge‘s William Swanson

All I am saying is if you want Bitcoin to survive, it would be foolish to assume that the current product was made without the idea of advancing its technology in mind. Realistically, we could be nearing the end of the beta-Bitcoin test period. That is what truly excites me.



Daniel R. Treccia
Daniel R. Treccia

Written by Daniel R. Treccia

Daniel authored two books, one on baseball statistics after a career in pro-baseball and next about how he survived a rare fungal disease + lung removal at 27.

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