Jeff Garzik’s MET Comes From The “Zero” (i0) Address
Is anyone surprised at this point?
When I hear about a BTC developer launching his own token I always take notice. I also immediately expect the token to have evolved from Bitcoin (i0) itself. When these things happen on the Ethereum blockchain by way of ERC20 — the transaction is always directly funded by the 0x00.. “zero” address. I0Coin’s merge mining hash with the 0x- prefix.
Metronome (MET) is no exception:
You may scroll the pages but until just days ago, I0Coin was leaking funds over to MET. Another example we found of this was FuturXe and Huobi Token, though these tokens benefited from a large lump sum payment from the i0 hash address and then moved forward. Out of nowhere, it seems to be having a spectacular day, but this just reflects the laundering taking place IMO. Time to move funds once more:
Metronome is probably named in relation to some sort of laundering of funds back to the source. It promises cross chain transactions, but if you do your research you can see those already have been going on for a long time. If you are not convinced I suggest you actually read what has been found here.
Zerocoin whitepaper (I0C) is named Zerocoin “Oakland”:
Which explains why Ixcoin probably had a picture of the Golden Gate up on its Twitter for some time:
Time to admit the obvious. The world is ready for a quantum + A.I. shift to I0/IX and the new world currency.
Update 2: The “0” protocol client ??? appears on I0Coin’s block explorer