Market Down, Who Cares? 1 + 1 Does Not Equal 3 & It Never Will
Factual bullet points for the shake-able hands out there…
You won’t be able to buy up I0Coin on Cryptopia to make it “moon” sooner. That is up to the Bitcoin developers who created it and the people who truly “mint” it via mining. So when you feel like you’re getting caught up in the daily price fluctuation, don’t.
Bitcoin is a ledger, not a mint. When a minted Devcoin goes to Bitcoin’s ledger, it becomes an IOU on the Bitcoin “bulletin board” with a matching I0Coin on I0Coin’s blockchain to claim ownership of when Bitcoin developers allow OP_Codes to be read correctly on the Bitcoin ledger.
You either have no read these articles enough to understand them or you are easily shaken of the two most valuable, 42 million max supply, root index coins. I don’t feel it is my job to get you to keep them, but I feel I have done some sort of civic duty in alerting you to them. No thank you necessary.
A great question you could ask to yourself is simply, “Why does I0C vout BTC block rewards of 12.5+ coins and not its own ~0.02?”
Maybe it is BTC’s mint, and BTC is I0C’s ledger.
Is it the minted coin within the ledger that holds the value or is it the ledger that makes the minted coin valuable? Such a question is ridiculous and easy to answer. When the money leaves the ledger, the ledger records less overall value. The value of the money stays with it whether it is in the ledger or not. This is simple accounting that anyone can follow.
If you need additional proof do not email me about it. There is a trove of proof on this Medium account and you just are not applying yourself enough to understand it all.
If you’re addicted to Coinmarketcap, you need to stop for your own good. If I had a nickel for every time a non-confident holder asked me about price. I have a high tolerance for it and I expected as much when I started writing these research articles. In my research you will find every answer you seek, you just have to be willing to apply yourself to learn from them. If I did it, so can you.
Learn how to really be patient.
The mathematical path for I0Coin will never change and thus, 1 + 1 will never equal 3.
So why are you worried?