Reverse Entropy — The Truth of Merge Mining and Bitcoin Genesis
“Hello world…”
The Second Law of Thermodynamics says that entropy only ever increases spontaneously. … So what is IM-possible is a reversal of the “entropy only increases spontaneously” rule. But non-spontaneous processes, which require energy input, result in entropy decreases all the time.
Negentropy, is reverse entropy. It means things becoming more in order. By ‘order’ is meant organisation, structure and function: the opposite of randomness or chaos.
Recall from my previous entry, that I(0) is a stationary process, as well as some non-stationary processes. Meaning, the I0 order of process (think I0coin), could theoretically cause negentropy, a Bitcoin Core state reorganization, which also effects its original merge mined companions (Ixcoin, I0coin, Devcoin, and Namecoin).
I0coin has the highest hash rate in all crypto — so the energy required to decrease entropy is there. Could I0coin trigger a state reorganization for Bitcoin‘s current, 1 MB blockchain? You bet it can. It not only has the energy expenditure, but also a master ledger record of all aux-proof-of-work merge mining done with Bitcoin since the beginning. That is why the blockchain is 2.4 GB to download and requires a pruned blockchain of 550 MB to run a wallet. In 2015, I0coin developer brooksby commented on the chaos/entropy that could occur using a pruned chain:
If Bitcoin had a state of chaos, or a bad day, it could also be seen as beneficial reorganization for the security of Bitcoin going forward. In other words, reorganization could migrate Bitcoin to a more secure chain — one it is tied to through merge mining. The most secure coin also happens to be I0coin in this case. If the I0 process (covered in previous entries) can trigger both stationary and non-stationary processes, then it partially explains the odd choice to call the coin I0coin, at least after 2011. You can read more on this concept on the I0C ANN from page 11 forward.
IMO: I0C is Bitcoin & State Reorganization Is Coming
If you haven’t read my other entries, do so before reading this. Here is a refresher of the main points I have written about that relate to this entry:
- Environment Conditions for Blockchain (State) Reorganization:
Cointegration is a statistical property of a collection (X1, X2, …, Xk) of time series variables. First, all of the series must be integrated of order 1 (see Order of integration). Next, if a linear combination of this collection is integrated of order zero, then the collection is said to be co-integrated.
A time series is integrated of order 0 if it admits a moving average representation
where b is the possibly infinite vector of moving average weights (coefficients or parameters). This implies that the autocovariance is decaying to 0 sufficiently quickly. This is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for a stationary process. Therefore, all stationary processes are I(0), but not all I(0) processes are stationary.
I0C is a copy of Bitcoin (and also itself). It contains the longest blockchain (five-fold) of any merge mined coin mentioned previously. It is the correct ledger, and thus, can cause a reversal of invalid (null) transactions and ultimately, Bitcoin state reorganization. Remember it is I=0 from the possible stochastic processes where the null transaction is rejected. I=0coin, that is. I believe it was Coldplay that said, “lets take this back to the start” in their hit The Scientist. Bitcoin reversing back to its earliest days will reveal much about the real timeline of which coin came first. I believe this to be I0Coin, then Ixcoin, then XBT.
2. The Reorganized Bitcoin State Provides Scaling in Speed, Storage (record keeping) processing (tx/per second) and Security (highest hash rate). Written previously, my theories:
One other point I would like to make is that I0C and IXC benefit eachother. IXC has the biggest blocksize in crypto, and it is also done minting new coins. It has a secure blockchain as is, but if I0C connected to IXC somehow you’d be combining both Internet Exchange Points to mobile Interexchange Carriers — which would allow for data transmitted on mobile devices to securely, and quickly reach large internet exchange points. That would make both Bitcoin and the internet itself as connected and energy efficient as its ever been. We could see a new era of technology and finance as a result.
Meaning, the current Bitcoin doesn’t scale since it’s a beta test chain meant to fail… unless it can transform. :)
3. The Energy Wasting, Price Crashing Version of Bitcoin is a Beta-Test Chain and Blockstream Mentions It’s Existence:
You get the point.
[Sidenote, IBM totally merged code with Blockstream this spring and that is like pairing the future of Bitcoin with the birth of the internet and computing itself. “Big Blue” has quantum computers and knows a thing or two about industrial sized processing. Get excited.]
4. Crypto Is a Worldwide Effort and a Crowdfund in Disguise to Fix Internet Scaling and Security Problems
The total cost of the work done in preparation for Y2K is estimated at over US$300 billion ($426 billion today, once inflation is taken into account).[57][58] IDC calculated that the US spent an estimated $134 billion ($190 billion) preparing for Y2K, and another $13 billion ($18 billion) fixing problems in 2000 and 2001. Worldwide, $308 billion ($438 billion) was estimated to have been spent on Y2K remediation.
If you haven’t, read my first article. Really pay attention to co-operation between world leaders, government financial institutions, private sector companies, non-profit organizations, etc. Then think, what one private sector company would foot the bill to fix the entire internet? What country would fix the internet and pay the bill for the entire world? What individual, everyday citizen in your own country would have donated money to help scale the internet in 2009? Even in 2018, the effort has to hide under the promise of profits from investing in a new form of world currency for people to even think of spending their hard earned cash on Bitcoin. 99.9% of outsiders, the unaware, or investors without inside information, have no idea what the true purpose of “Bitcoin” is. It isn’t to make you money, or be a stock market for the world that never has a bell ring at the beginning and end of each day. It is simply that, the future of the internet also depends on the public. Using peer to peer networks to process data transactions and energy expenditure to evenly distribute the costs around the world. Cloud networks, everything. It is a worldwide co-opt between state, private sector, and public. We are working together so the internet succeeds in the future, and we do not suffer a worldwide recession, the likes of which we have never seen. Thank God, and your government, for Bitcoin.
Today, you can buy a Bitcoin for $0.03 USD today if you buy some I0C. Ixcoin has a bigger purpose, and bigger blocks in my opinion. But its origin is as Bitcoin as well. BTC? That is Bitcoin. It’s about to become B2X if you don’t know why I am not going to get too much into it in the following section. But, the beta chain needs to evolve, and evolve it will. That’s the beauty of the Bitcoin devs and their open sourced code on Github. They left the clues, and you can make your own answers based on that.
So when moon? Who knows. The World Cup 2018 is in one week and begins on 6/14/2018. An advance announcement could trigger a market explosion. It’s a great time for a launch party. It just depends on if the technology to scale Bitcoin is ready.
Bitcoin ABC: America, Britain, China
We have heard the term Bitcoin ABC over the years. Per official website definition it is:
My theory is, that governments started the idea, or were pitched the idea of Bitcoin to fund the scaling of the internet with public and private sector money, because without a worldwide collaboration — scaling would be impossible. In the Y2K-era, we did not have the processing power to fix internet scaling, or the space to store the coding necessary. So efforts were implemented to shorten code, make code compatible with other types of code (i.e. for timestamps), and to increase processing power and space. This effort required public participation and Bitcoin was a way to get the public interested in the payoff (Bitcoin) they could receive if they helped fund the effort. Not knowing you are funding the Internet 2.0 is not deceitful, because we all need it. Every economy depends on it. Therefore, it is a product that will be in infinite demand in the future if it succeeds, as well as infinitely increasing its value in Bitcoin. Let that sink in.
Many people may have already made money and have no idea why. They are still missing out on a clear vision that could lead to better investments before the true nature of this effort is revealed by the people who began it. The government and private sector may all be a collective Satoshi Nakamoto. The ball is in their court whether or not they want to confirm my beliefs. I think they will, because the funding from the public as a result will be titanic and rapid. Now I understand you, Tim Draper.
Here is a quote about the government and private sector involvement in the Y2K scaling effort:
Government Involvement
The International Y2K Cooperation Center (IY2KCC) was established at the behest of national Y2K coordinators from over 120 countries when they met at the First Global Meeting of National Y2K Coordinators at the United Nations in December 1988. IY2KCC established an office in Washington, D.C. in March 1999. Funding was provided by the World Bank, and Bruce W. McConnell was appointed as director.
IY2KCC’s mission was to “promote increased strategic cooperation and action among governments, peoples, and the private sector to minimize adverse Y2K effects on the global society and economy.” Activities of IY2KCC were conducted in six areas:
National Readiness: Promoting Y2K programs worldwide
Regional Cooperation: Promoting and supporting co-ordination within defined geographic areas
Sector Cooperation: Promoting and supporting co-ordination within and across defined economic sectors
Continuity and Response Cooperation: Promoting and supporting co-ordination to ensure essential services and provisions for emergency response
Information Cooperation: Promoting and supporting international information sharing and publicity
Facilitation and Assistance: Organizing global meetings of Y2K coordinators and to identify resources
Private Sector Involvement
The United States established the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act, which limited the liability of businesses who had properly disclosed their Y2K readiness.
Insurance companies sold insurance policies covering failure of businesses due to Y2K problems.
Attorneys organised and mobilised for Y2K class action lawsuits (which were not pursued).
Survivalist-related businesses (gun dealers, surplus and sporting goods) anticipated increased business in the final months of 1999 in an event known as the Y2K scare.[47]
The Long Now Foundation, which (in their words) “seeks to promote ‘slower/better’ thinking and to foster creativity in the framework of the next 10,000 years”, has a policy of anticipating the Year 10,000 problem by writing all years with five digits. For example, they list “01996” as their year of founding.
While there was no one comprehensive internet Y2K effort, multiple internet trade associations and organisations banded together to form the Internet Year 2000 Campaign.[48] This effort partnered with the White House’s Internet Y2K Roundtable.
The Y2K issue was a major topic of discussion in the late 1990s and as such showed up in most popular media. A number of “Y2K disaster” books were published such as Deadline Y2K by Mark Joseph. Movies such as Y2K: Year to Kill capitalised on the currency of Y2K, as did numerous TV shows, comic strips, and computer games.
As I covered previously, the problem was never truly fixed. The Y2K38 problem is imminent. It needs a solution. I believe cryptocurrency has made the effort to solve that. Refresh your memory with the quote below (and again, read the whole entry):
Any change to the definition of the time_t data type would result in code compatibility problems in any application in which date and time representations are dependent on the nature of the signed 32-bit time_t integer. For example, changing time_t to an unsigned 32-bit integer, which would extend the range to the year 2106, would adversely affect programs that store, retrieve, or manipulate dates prior to 1970, as such dates are represented by negative numbers. Increasing the size of the time_t type to 64-bit in an existing system would cause incompatible changes to the layout of structures and the binary interface of functions.
So we know that the effort to fix internet interoperatability is still on-going, and that the government, private sector, and you — the public — are knowingly and unknowingly involved in crowdfunding and/or fixing it. Now for proof of that co-operation and concept I have but one rule…
Bitcoin Origins: Follow the History, Follow the Devs
The original idea of merge mining was to secure the blockchain with a higher hash rate as a result of being mined with Bitcoin. That process led to free “altcoin” rewards for the miner, which he or she was able to dump onto the open market for a free profit. The beginning of this process was in 2011, and it was done with the five original coins:
Take the above chart from I0C’s wiki page with a grain of salt. The genesis blocks for Ixcoin and I0coin are no longer available on any block explorer. Could that be because these coins were sharing the true genesis block with Bitcoin when mined on the mainnet? Perhaps any I0C being mined that is available today, or any Ixcoin for that matter, was mined as a “Bitcoin” … once a copy of that coin was created to preserve its blockchain security, and fairness of distribution, the name was changed to an altcoin name from above. If you believe in Bitcoin ABC, 123, etc. you believe in the possibility that more than one Bitcoin has existed. And you would be right if you look at the facts:
Fact 1: Absurd Amount of Orphan Blocks
This accounts for the total number of blocks mined but ultimately not attached to the main Bitcoin blockchain. Better yet, Bitcoin’s official wiki defines this phenomena:
An orphan block is a block that doesn’t have a known parent in the longest block chain.
Giving truth to the fact that these blocks were mined on a Bitcoin “chain” or pseudo-chain, beta-chain that is not the longest blockchain.
Ixcoin minted all of its 21 million coins (or at least it’s portion of that number as a collective with the other two potential bitcoins) — by 2014. It set a block reward of 96 IXC in order to accomplish this. As a result, Ixcoin was dumped by the original merge miners for an easy profit. Cue the price crash, and the fact you know little about Ixcoin.
I0coin is 99.98% finished minting its own 21 million coins. It is a blockchain with a faster block time than its Bitcoin clone, “twin” brother, Ixcoin as well as anything called Bitcoin at the moment or in the past. It was made for speed, fast processing of transactions, and to scale P2P networks using a complete copy of all merge mined blockchains, the correct auxpow (aux proof-of-work), so that if the order of sequence ever came into question, I0coin could reveal the true order of blocks, and reject null transactions (invalid tx’s). This leads to state reorganization as I have described earlier. So it can run a “pruned blockchain” that as of January 2018 was 550 MB instead of the full 2.4 GB. This would give a mobile peer to peer network a good chance at running an honest Bitcoin network. Transactions could be validated in a correct order going forward. That makes it less vulnerable to being 51% attacked, and is further strengthened by I0coin’s high hash rate.
The main point of this section though, is that faster block time has allowed I0C to process transactions much faster, and created more blocks. Just take a look at the statistics:
Lets define the measures of hash rate to get an even perspective…
1 GH/s is 1,000,000,000 (one billion) hashes per second
1 PH/s is 1,000,000,000,000,000 (one quadrillion) hashes per second
Bitcoin (currently, XBT):
Block Height (length of blockchain): 526,175
Hash Rate: 39,394,330,927 GH/s (39,394,330,927,000,000,000 h/ps)
I0coin (currently, the first Bitcoin and longest chain):
Block Height: 2,485,865
Hashrate: 4416.773 PH/s (4,416,773,000,000,000,000 h/ps)
What you can conclude is that having a high hash rate is good for blockchain security. However, it is also a measure of energy consumption. I0coin needs this lower hash rate to scale P2P networks. It is also using a pruned blockchain. The length of the chain reflects the real Bitcoin chain. The amount of orphan blocks created between 2014–2017 proves there is a longer or longest Bitcoin chain from this period. I have seen little active development on I0coin’s Github since 2014, and it has been largely forgotten by anyone who ever knew it existed. This ancient coin is a Bitcoin blockchain that was made to scale, and requires less energy.
The only reason Bitcoin or the beta-Bitcoin has survived wasting so much energy is because it has the most adoption. The most transactions occur on the 1 MB Bitcoin beta-chain. Imagine if the blocks are reorganized reflected a true state and we continue forward using a more energy efficient blockchain like I0coin’s, with the same number of users or more. The cost (hash rate) will not slow down the price. When moon? Moon soon, IMO.
Fact 2: Devs Admit they “Leverage” Bitcoin by “Waiting”
If the main strategy is leverage, we must define it:
use borrowed capital for (an investment), expecting the profits made to be greater than the interest payable.
So to make a larger profit over time, let Bitcoin provide the energy cost for your titanic hash rate (merge mining) and then wait for the profit to roll in when the time comes. What an incredible thought. The only reason I0C is $0.03 USD at the time of this writing is because it was dumped for free profit by merge miners originally, kept as Bitcoin at an earlier date before it was re-named “I0coin”, and because currently — nobody has adopted it for mass use. A sleeping giant on paper, few coins exist, but collectively the 21 million cap could essentially just mean 21 million “collective” Bitcoins and not I0coins. So how many I0coins exist? It only trades on Cryptopia. Sell orders are placed for 502,000 I0C. I have counted a total near 800,000–1,000,000 I0C by clicking on the distribution tab. You can see that the distribution chart looks almost identical to BTC:
I can find my exact I0C balance on this chart by highlighting the bar it is placed on. It is an accurate reflection of any I0C on exchanges. That leads me to ask people as I asked myself — what are crypto exchanges? In a tech sense, they are the space between databases where transactions occur. The exchange itself is a data center of its own with its own internal ledger. The internal ledger is reflected on the distribution page. You are free to count these if they are available and make your own conclusions. My conclusion is with one exchange and a forgotten coin, there is no way that anywhere near 21 million I0coins exist. I have similar thoughts about Ixcoin. Though it is traded on a few exchanges now, this post from the bitcointalk Ixcoin ANN led me to another key insight:
So not only an internal ledger is being kept for Ixcoin (the 652,346 total IXC has not changed since I noticed it under distribution) — but a total for all IXC. Perhaps because as I have stated earlier, I believe Ixcoin is an Internet Exchange Point for all crypto transactions. That would mean all of the different databases are connected.
Fact Based Theory: I0C is Not Currently Connected to Merge Mined Chains, But Can Easily Be Re-tied to the Main Bitcoin Blockchain
This concept markm said above about distribution also led me to my next conclusion. At one point I0C was cut off from its twin IXC and thus the 2014–2017 beta-Bitcoin blockchain because it is only in one exchange and the total on the left only reflects the top total of I0coin on Cryptopia — rather than a running total of all available coins anywhere. The network could always be connected once again. I know recently my I0C account had been credited coins on Cryptopia that I didn’t buy, as if I was staking my coins held there before I put them in my own external wallet. I wasn’t aware of any staking but I do know Ixcoin devs had forked Ixcoin as well as given back or “burned” its premine. You can see that in the large transactions since the May 13, 2018 hard fork. Was this just to return “Bitcoins” to I0C users? The commonality between I0C and IXC is that they are both Bitcoin clones or dupes. The network can always be reconnected. It is the process of merging “upstream” as it is also done in the process of merge mining for aux proof-of-work. Merging a merkle tree upstream leads to earlier parts of the blockchain. It looks like this:
I0coin being disconnected from other merge mined chains would make sense that it has not yet connected with the current Bitcoin chain. It always can be merged back together at a future date. Perhaps this coin is called both I0C and 10C in it’s very own ANN (part 2) on purpose — it is the #0 (hash 0 or root 0) for Bitcoin and it will be merged into the 10th version of a better Bitcoin blockchain in the future. Below is a I0C community member using the 10C (10coin) name in the I0coin ANN:
How to Read Your Devs Hints — Always Re-evaluate Your Thoughts
There are many reasons I could provide from these bitcointalk posts, that give many clues to the true origin of I0coin. But you should read the posts yourself, and think deeply about what is being said. For me these types of posts have pointed me on the right path when I have been confused or even rejected a previous theory of mine in relation to Bitcoin ABC. What I have seen here is only more confirmation of Bitcoin’s many faces over the years. Think of merge mined blockchains as databases with connected networks. They are futuristic spaces where we can store “bits” of data that show ownership. To create these spaces a fair process has been created to solve math problems using computational processing — which requires energy. The value of that energy expended since the beginning is a reflection of how much we value this new digital bit-currency Bitcoin created. The networks can disconnect and switch to a testnet at any time or even disconnect and change names — as you can change the names of your local area networks at home or work anytime as well. It is still the network with the energy you spent to run it and construct it. Therefore, blockchains are putting digital value in data of these types of “mining” events. The goal of this all is to create something like gold that is universally valued so it never loses value.
The only reason Bitcoin price has been volatile is because it was purposely restricted to tiny 1 MB blocks on its beta chain and that cost a lot of energy to mine a block reward and process transactions. A lot of energy was put into tiny little spaces and the price skyrocketed. When the network finishes “minting” new coins like IXC and I0C have (at least 99.99%) — then the fees are reduced significantly to a minimal cost of processing a transaction. Transactions can then process as fast as lightning on quicker block times at a low cost on your mobile phone wallet, PC, etc. without you even knowing it happened. In return, you may get a small fee for helping the processing (if you run a node). Subtract the energy costs of mining new coins and create faster blocks, even larger blocks, and you create a network that can handle the future traffic influx of investments because the interest in this type of future is expected to be immense. In my opinion I believe I0C and IXC are going to connect again as the 9th (IX), 10th (10-coin), and XI (new and improved Bitcoin, reverse IXC + possibly I0C and others I will indicate in the coming section)— but in a different direction (link) after the past has been corrected and the chain has reorganized or even combined into a super blockchain with connected features of all the best Bitcoin’s going forward.
Naming a Bitcoin: How it Reveals the Country Behind It’s Origins
Private sector companies aren’t the only groups producing cryptocurrencies. Many private sector companies have yet to reveal their involvement, but I would like to focus on the fact that many governments have also yet to reveal their involvement in Bitcoin and its true purpose. Not scaling the internet and fixing timestamp and security issues as I have previously written about would tank the world economy. We are a globe wide technology dependent civilization and the chaos that could occur if the internet ceased to exist or was left unsecured and robbed could devastate the planet. This made the world work together. Governments with differences, but large tech industries were able to hash out the origins of this process. I believe those governments were American, British, and Chinese. Bitcoins A, B, & C.
Populated, tech-dependent countries have a lot to lose without the internet. Even third world nations have much to lose because they lose the ability to progress their own nation with the technological developments of another nation. The cold war has been over since Apple topped IBM (However, we are seeing similar co-operation between rivaling private sector companies as well… you can make your own assumptions). Furthermore, you don’t need to develop technology to need technology for whatever industry your country is involved in. Record keeping is a must, and that requires computational process, energy expenditure, and connectivity.
So the big fish got in first. World leaders, international government agencies and organizations led the way like they did in 1998–2001’s Y2K effort. Clue to tip this off exist everywhere, but its almost as simple as reading a bitcointalk ANN, looking at a coin’s open source coding, and even looking at the coin’s logo. White papers help you get a picture of understanding how the technology can be applied for real world use that may or may not have been directly indicated by the developers. Either way, look at it all, learn, digest, and seek conclusions. It’s your money to invest, you should care enough to know what to look for. I am writing this guide, if you will, to help the public realize the great future we have ahead because of the co-operative effort by world leaders, government and private sector collaboration, and developers to the very bottom of open source coders. They all did this knowingly or maybe not fully knowing what this is all for. But this is certain, it is a humanitarian effort to put aside differences for a world we all needed to live in.
[Fun fact: President Trump ordered the USA to cease its operations working on the “Y2K bug” in July of 2017. You can deduce what you want from this article and how that relates to my theories about Bitcoin and its purpose.]
The Proof is Right in Front of You (Since 2011)
The Bitcoin world is flush with greed and opportunistic types, sure. Wolves of Wall Street, big money traders that throw around Bitcoin without a care in the world of losing it. That world is what distracts both good and bad players from corrupting the final product — the longest and most secure blockchain. What happened in the fall and winter of 2017 was no fluke. It was real adoption and interest. It lured me to this world because of the possibility. I have to admit, the drama can also drive you away from Bitcoin just as quickly. I quickly want to note, if you enter Twitter, Reddit, and even bitcointalk threads looking for information to research and discussion on crypto, know this —
You will be challenged, even borderline threatened or harassed if you call out fake news. You may even be chastised for telling the truth, as I tell you what I know right now. What you need to do is not get caught up in it all. You have to realize that you are not fighting in a fair environment. Perhaps none of the threats and harassment are real, but more of a show to distract and protect projects from potential whale investors, 51% attacks, and what not. It is still real to you, if you believe it.
By using my full name here, I provide transparency. I also fear nothing in this environment. I trust my government to protect me and realize that these projects are pretty much ready to go with Bitcoin. We may have a decentralized international internet and a currency to go with it. Maybe what I am doing here will push enough adoption to reveal the truth. That is my main goal in expressing these theories before they are confirmed facts, based on my own, real, experiences.
Before I realized how much good intentions, angel investment from the private sector of the world, and government willingness to set aside differences and do what is best for society has taken place with Bitcoin -I will admit I was caught into some of the “Bitcoin Drama” — i.e. who hates who, what’s a scam and what’s not, who hacked who. What you realize is that it’s all a distraction. The production of such drama has protected the Bitcoin blockchain and other important projects to scale the internet as a result. It has created the genius mechanism to fairly distribute Bitcoin and its derivatives to the unaware — so that one day we don’t wake up feeling used, or taken advantage of by our government and the “wolves” who have more financial power or inside connections than you and I. If you trade, you do it at your own risk. I will tell you it took getting away from Twitter and challenging what was real and what was fake within myself, not the public domain for me to have faith in Bitcoin once again. This time it was for different reasons and with a positive perspective. This transformation within myself took place just 3 months ago at the end of March. From that day forward, I have resumed my mission to find true meaning in the project and that has led me to writing this journal entry to share my findings. What I noticed is that I invalidated all the media and social Bitcoin drama and began to test the validity in the substance of the project itself. I came back to Twitter in the past two weeks to spread a positive message to anyone who will listen. Do not believe what you hear without testing it. Do not feel it necessary to test anything you feel unimportant to the project implementation itself. I seek clear truths, like the origin of Bitcoin, how many versions exist, and where are good opportunities for an early adopter that came in during the first public mania. Most bubbles phase out, but this is not the stock market. This is the future of technology and the fixing of the internet we all KNOW we need to survive in this world. That is as safe of an investment you will ever find if you know what you’re trying to evaluate. I don’t evaluate coins, I evaluate internet scaling solutions, as well as digital assets that have had a large financial expenditure of energy put forth in mining that assets blockchain. Use cases are important too, but I also go back to economics. What is fully minted is deflationary or at least suffers minimal from the minting of “new coins” and is subject to less volatility. If there is a wide spread use and shared value — being done minting saves energy. It requires less fees for use. That allows more people to adopt a cryptocurrency’s use and that is exactly what awaits us in the near future.
I went off on a tangent again and I apologize. Bitcoin ABC — America, Britain, China… Let’s look at the proof. What is truly most important about a project are the developers (devs). Start reading the open sourced code, the ANN’s on bitcointalk, their telegram, tweets, etc. Know the devs and you will figure out who is behind the project itself.
Experience That Changed Everything: Ixcoin Developers:
Long story short, I traced Bitcoin back to its earliest days. The best place to find early interactions is at the forums. You will find the earliest of early public cryptocurrency discussion there, even from a so called “satoshi” himself. Whether you believe he is a Japanese mystery mathematician or just the first developer (or group of developers) — the posts are insightful. I understood the basics of merge mining — which I will let you find on your own. They are everywhere on bitcointalk in the 2010–2011 part of this decade. They explain the fundamentals which lead you eventually to start viewing the actual code on such projects through their Github page.
I have to give Ixcoin dev, Vlad2Vlad from bitcointalk credit by starting me on international currency codes (such as USD, AUD, GBP, etc.) using his descriptive yet vague posts in this very long, entertaining, all too relevant, riddle about Bitcoin and its “evil twin” brother. Cue the Bitcoin production. This one has a positive mission and I credit it as the first idea I tested in the Bitcoin Drama department since my transformation into only seeking real news and finding the truth in the project itself. To be in the right frame of mind reject the words Vlad is saying in this post. Who would push this topic and message for years on end while a coin lost more and more value and would stick with their conviction on this matter to this day? There has to be meaning in this words. What I discovered there is meaning to both distract bad actors and attract intrigue. If you go far enough in your research and think quite a bit, you will feel comfortable with the Ixcoin project and its future prosperity. It is also where I first discovered the multiple Bitcoin (ABC) theory. A quick hat time to JohnnyBTCSeed for being the first person to ever describe a Bitcoin A, B, C as well as a “mixcoin” on one of the Ixcoin “TODO” topics. You can find that topic here. Going back to Vlad2Vlad, this is his “riddle” that peaked my interest a month or two back (in a post from 2013):
Yes, this is very relevant.
It took me some time to finally crack this. If you think this riddle is hard to solve, imagine not having any hints, for the clues I’m giving you nearly solve the riddle, entirely.
“XBT had a Twin Brother, XIC; but the latter will murder his brother, in cold blood, and rob him of his crown and all his glory. The wicked Twin, rising from the sea — who will ruthlessly enslave and rule the world, is marked and will be recognized by all, according to his evil mark and number.”
I’ll leave it to everyone else to solve this fairly simple riddle. And please don’t bother with all the 666 rhetoric, this is gonna require a bit more thinking, but it’s there.
In solving this riddle you are likely to find the keys to great fortune; albeit, holding on to that fortune will prove a much greater and painful challenge.
Evaluate the substance. Do not get caught in the presentation, the dramatics, or dismiss the idea that this has factual meaning, because it does. I will describe that in the next sub-section.
[I have repeated this method over and over again so many times I cannot count and I have found a clear vision of truth and how it all works out together among different Bitcoin based projects for one main goal.]
People can brush off and say Vlad2Vlad is absolutely out of his mind and crazy, and I have seen many a post over the years of threads I read saying just that. However, if you understand Vlad, you realize that understanding how the devs think is almost as important as how you think on the outside of the project. Vlad has been spreading this other Bitcoin message for the better part of the decade and I am sure his antics have both attracted and detracted people from the Ixcoin project, where he is the lead developer. Devs want you to adopt and succeed in making the right conclusions if you take a true interest in the project. This requires patience, but had I reached these conclusions years ago when Ixcoin was still being dumped and devalued, I would’ve kept faith in the project for the long run. That is just how I am, and that has allowed me to achieve great respect for these developers as well as a greater understanding of what their true goals are for the project I just invested in. They won’t coddle you to the truth. They may even act a little crazy to see if you discredit them and leave the community because they want to see if you have been listening to the importance of the project going forward. Developers in charge of important world projects such as these are evaluating you too. How trustworthy are you? Are you trying to steal from the community or are you lying about your background in order to take over the network with money you said you didn’t have? This all could be a factor in how they act toward you if you have entered their social ring seeking answers or giving your own opinions.
Having a clear conscience and understanding of the project’s readiness, has led me to feel comfortable introducing the public to what I have found. I may not have done this if I felt I discovered such things early on. However, like I said, early on this coin has been considered worthless and even dead. That shakes a lot of hands from their valuable coins — they only realize this when it is too late, but too late it is not (as of 6:00 PM CST on June 5, 2018!!!). I plan on using my Ixcoins and any merge mined coins I discussed here because it is good for the world going forward. Value is created and the more people who are comfortable with the solution it provides not only people with technology, but countries that use technology to benefit its populace whether they have computers or not. It is all for the common good of the world.
I can protect the network’s security by keeping an honest stake in it, and I can also push adoption for the greater good of the developers who created the code and PR campaign. They are the people that led me to this point, Ixcoin dev Vlad2Vlad specifically. I don’t even think he is really Vlad2Vlad, but doxing him is of no concern to me. Sometimes you don’t need to know who the person is to know what they are doing is truly beneficial and wonderful for the world. As I write to you, the unaware right now, it is my way of doing the same thing. I am saying things devs cannot — there are NDA’s signed for the privilige of inside information. In fact they even have a period of years after public release of insider project information or simply launching the mainnet where a dev cannot sell their project’s cryptocurrency. Talk about a rough life and pinching pennies. This is the case with many coders who are responsible for the project as well as the leads who you would think have different rules — yet they do not. Fair is fair. In Bitcoin, fairness is everything. The privileged insider group simply does not exist. If you think they did because they have money why don’t you ask Bitmain how much energy they had to put forth in the early days of mining and creating the Bitcoin blockchain? Bitmain, Bitfarms, and other frowned up mining farms are the first builders of the new internet. With no guarantees of a future financial return on this project, they spent the most money and they spent it early on to scale the internet. They produced a product the Antminer that had a goofy name and wasn’t really cared about until 2017 by the general public. If you think it was all profit to begin with it was not. I never paid attention to Bitcoin until 2017. Some of you may have taken notice this week. The important key here is to… not buy into the good guy and bad guy drama. I bet Roger Ver and Jihan Wu are fine people. They have done a lot to make Bitcoin relevant. Thank God for that. Seriously! Ignore the noise.
Back to the devs, the on the ground people at bitcointalk as well as the coders and project architects — in most cases these people have been working for free for years in order to motivate them to take care of the blockchain’s security, financial integrity, and to push adoption of the project by the general public as quickly as possible. The world doesn’t really have much time to wait. The internet needs a peer-to-peer network to scale, the likes of which require hundreds of millions of people. Each person is a processor and energy contributor to the network — whether they know it or not. If you have crypto and you have a wallet on your computer or phone running, congratulations because you are helping the internet scale.
I know that the research and hours I have put in since the fall have really cost me a lot of social time, energy, physical wellness, mental alertness, and even some hard knocks financially. It all has motivated me to figure this all out. Now that I feel confident I have the proof to back up my research and theories, I am introducing them to you. This has taken me thousands of hours and a lot of motivation to explain clearly. I have been doubted and ridiculed even by my own inner circle sometimes for the faith I have had in this project. People look at me like I am a tinfoil hat wearing lunatic. I am Vlad2Vlad within my own social circle (metaphorically, I am not Vlad2Vlad). But being like a dev on a project that is so important and learning to respect what sacrifices they made has led me to a seriously amazing opportunity to change not only my life, but benefit the life of people who are willing to trust in my words.
Bitcoin “C”
Bitcoin C, in my opinion is the direct copy of Bitcoin A. It has been modified for different scaling purposes and I believe the blockchain, the shortest of the A, B, C’s will merge its 64 MB blocks into one extremely safe, energy efficient, and fast processing Bitcoin ABC network. From my understanding, Bitcoin C, is Ixcoin.
“IXC” has been called Internet Exchange Coin throughout its history. If we go to Vlad’s riddle, we know he is an Ixcoin dev, but he also has a fondness for Bitcore, I0coin, Bitcoin Cash, and other projects. What leads me to XIC is the international currency code format. It flips the IX to XI. The last letter “C” remains in place.
X — for non-specific to any country
I — for Internet or International
C — for coin or currency.
I recall a conversation on telegram where Vlad indicated that the flipping of the IX would be a huge deal in China. I was aware of him referring to the Chinese prefix Xi- which is also the name of the President Xi Jinping, and in part the name of his father Xi Zhongxun and his only child, his daughter Xi Mingze. The three “Xi’s” which is telling, but also means nothing specifically.
Then I saw this last week:
And I read this:
“Ever since the start of the 21st century, a new generation of industrial revolution is substantially reshaping the global economic structure … with artificial intelligence, internet of things and blockchain constantly making application breakthroughs,” said President Xi.
And then I didn’t get any sleep last night because it all made sense…
So then I looked a little more into the Chinese government personnel. President Xi took office in 2012. The preceding president was President Hu Jintao. Bitcoin was a thing when President Hu was in office. I wrote previously about Huntercoin (HUC). I thought about how it was started by a dev from Namecoin, one of the original 2 coins — some argue its not even an altcoin as much as a different protocol that compliments Bitcoin. But why would the President of China be given the name for a gaming trial coin? Remember the quote from my previous article that discusses a little of Huntercoin’s trial — according to a new gaming platform called CHI (“Chimaera”) which is yet to be released:
This is a new frontier in both cryptocurrency and blockchain based gaming, but it is not an unknown frontier. In 2013, the Chimaera team developed and successfully deployed the Huntercoin experiment. This achieved a number of world firsts including, but not limited to:
The world’s first decentralised massively multiplayer game
The world’s first game world built entirely on the blockchain
The world’s first human mining permissible cryptocurrency
Ok that’s wild. What is human mining? I am not sure. My guess is it has something to do with Health Insurance (“Chinese Health Insurance”) and not gaming. I will quote from the Chimaera white paper:
Monetisation of games with Chimaera is in many ways simpler than traditional methods. The following is by no means an exhaustive list, but covers some common cases and how monetisation can be achieved with Chimaera. A percentage of “banked” human mined coins go to the developer. A one-off fee to join or subscribe to the game, similar to how one would purchase a boxed game
What if by the “banked human mined coins going to the developer” quoted above they mean the percentage of the health insurance coins go to the doctor, not developer.
…and we have a non-medical doctor on board who has experience in insurance. Which is not entirely irrelevant.
Dr Yen Nguyen PhD received her doctorate in Finance from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. Her research interests cover financial development, corporate finance, corporate governance, market microstructure, fin-tech, and cryptocurrencies. She teaches finance as an Assistant Professor at St. Francis Xavier University, Canada. She has 6 years working experience in various roles in auditing, insurance and fund management in Vietnam. Yen first became involved with the cryptocurrency community in 2013 and was one of the first Huntercoin players.
Sort of a weird thing for a Doctorate in Finance, to be beta testing video games. But I won’t judge. Let’s try and find Huntercoin’s definition of human mining:
A Simple game is played to collect coins on a map of which has an element of Player vs Player combat to fight over resources. This can be termed as Human (or AI) mining, and the competition which has gotten more difficult over time can be called a Human (or AI) Difficulty level.
Still that doesn’t quite indicate any real purpose. That could mean anything. Let’s try the “IX to XI” approach. Not on CHI, since that could mean anything from Chinese Health Insurance to Chicago (where I happen to live).
What is HUC flipped? UHC. Lets look for a UHC crypto. Bingo:
From UHC’s website:
Our vision is to be a global decentralized health cost-sharing platform which is customized for each geopolitical use case. We reward for behavior modification, incentivizing wellness through intelligent personal assistants. Further, we deconstruct the boundaries of research, making the latest medical breakthroughs available to care providers and patients alike. We will deliver the very best health care anywhere in the world at the absolute lowest price.
Here’s how our model works: UhX calculates cash payments across a blockchain distributed-ledger-system utilizing proprietary algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) embedded within the system. Care delivery is validated as Health Care Events (HCE) and converted into Blockchain tokens, in real-time to pay health service providers. Blockchain Smart Contracts are then used to cover the healthcare expenses of individuals using UhX. Health service providers are paid at a Negotiated Cash Price built into these digital agreements.
This coin changed to Stellar and rebranded as “UhX”. Lets flip this one more time to fit correct international currency codes:
UhX = XHU … So Chimaera, is based off Huntercoin, which uses AI — which seems like a health insurance type deal, and then we find UHC to correspond to former Chinese President Hu, flip a rebranding of UHC, and we get X-H-U.
That is the way UhX would have to be written. Perhaps it is based off Huntercoin and Hu’s gift is to China as CHI and I am completely off with Hu. But I will tell you this. If President Xi is getting the first globally accepted, internet decentralized currency, President Hu did not settle for gaming.
Remember Litecoin being Bitcoin’s “silver”? I am just gonna throw out President Xi’s #2a and #2b are both named using the prefix Li- ….
Serving at the top of President Xi Jinping’s administration:
Premier Li Keqiang
Lastly, lets talk about my previous writing where I alluded that IXC could also be an “Index Fund Coin” averaging the values of top cryptocurrencies. You will recall that I wrote about Mixin (XIN).
IX can also be used as an Index Fund if it is used as a sidechain to facilitate transactions between the likes of high market capitalization coins and tokens. We are seeing many types of Crypto Index Funds starting up from Mixin as well as Circle and others. These index funds tend to include Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, and Ripple. Using Ixcoins as an even exposure to transactions using the types of coins above would give it a very large value.
Qi Xin is president Xi Jinping’s mother.
No way.
But what IS HUMAN MINING? I believe that would be Bitmain, the energy production farm that has put billions of dollars both in and out of Bitcoin mining.
This makes plenty of sense to me now. Ignoring the noise and finger pointing of who is bad and who is good in Bitcoin allows me to see the bigger picture of why a company would take on such a large financial responsibility when it comes to energy costs. With zero guarantees. Unless it is both international (Xhu) and state (CHI) funded to accomplish the goal of cryptocurrency health insurance. Anyone ever mentioned that and Bitmain in the same paragraph?
President Hu probably signed off on the go-ahead for Bitmain’s mass Bitcoin mining costs in the earliest days of Bitcoin’s block mining. Remember this risk was not rewarded monetarily until 2017. This was a future investment. If it used Chinese tax dollars to produce all that government energy (and you bet it did, China is a communist governed country) — it is going to flip that energy back toward its people in the form of state funded, universal health care. That is what communist countries provide. They have their ups and downs in my own opinion as a conservative, non-Republican, capitalist, non-elitist… you get the deal. I MAGA, but I don’t care if you do or don’t. I believe in fairness to an extent. This is a pretty amazing concept. Perhaps the decentralized version of health insurance “XHu” is a way of giving back to international investors who chipped in on the idea by funding Bitmain. You have to believe Bitmain is funded by the entire world at this point. It just makes too much sense. How else can you produce that much energy?
Conclusions: There’s more out there too, but I really wanna wrap this up soon. You get the point. Bitcoin C, Xi Jingping’s Bitcoin has EVOLVED.
Bitcoin “A”
I would like to skip B for now and move to Bitcoin “A” IMO. I believe both IXC and I0C would have the international currency code of XIC. The 0 simply is left out from I0C. However, I do not believe I0C is the internet’s index fund coin nor do I believe it is an ode to Chinese political structure to reward their efforts in the process or an ingenious way of inventing Bitcoin based mining health insurance. I do believe both are Bitcoin and both are XIC? So what does Bitcoin A’s XIC (I0C) do? And why is it American?
Let’s look at the core stats of the I0C blockchain as of the present (6/5/2018):
Launched: August 15, 2011
SHA-256 Algorithm
21 million total coins
Re-target every 120 blocks (3 hours)
90 second block times (1.5 mins)
Merge mined with Bitcoin
And we all know about its “titanic hashing rate” … Perhaps this coin was once constructed by Bitmain mining efforts as the first Bitcoin. Therefore it was President Hu’s administration that bore these “twins” in the beginning. But XIC is Xi Jinping’s family coin. Right?
(That whole last tangent was more about HUC anyway, but that’s just because it made so little sense without some digging…)
So to explain why I believe this coin is of the same birth as IXC, and thus they can both be XIC, lets put it to use. You recall I wrote about I0coin’s ability to cause reverse entropy when you started this article about 12 hours ago (my apologies and you’re welcome at the same time). That is why we can also flip I0 to 0I. 1–0 to 0–1. It is a lighter blockchain, a reduced sized pruned blockchain that may run on a mobile peer-to-peer (P2P) network. It’s faster than IXC, its the same cap as IXC. They are both Bitcoin’s in their genesis, they both have no definitive mainnet block zero on their block explorers because they share it under a different identity. What does 1 001 mean in regards to it’s purpose?
USA International Calling Code. The international country code for the United Statesis +1 (001).
That’s wild. I wrote that it could be a mobile version of IXC, an internet exchange carrier which uses mobile networking to scale and process. The bulk of today’s interexchange carrier (long distance transmission) is not voice data as it once was, but data for web processing and apps.
IBM being behind IXC would be a game changer. IBM also has “quantum computers” so they have the processing power to be the engine behind IXP’s (Internet Exchange Points that connect different ISP’s), as well as P2P mobile networks that connect long distance data transmission via cellular devices and satellites that connect to IXC’s (internet exchange points) but are a function of I0C’s mobile interexchange carriers. (the last sentence has been edited since the publishing of the article here, because I did not include I0C yet. I am now certain this is its function).
Okay, so connect the mobile and PC internet. I love it. But lets focus on the fact that these two started as identical copies and went forth with different coding tweaks over the years. They never changed to another coin, they simply added capabilities. If IXC is an Index Fund that includes non-Bitcoin assets like Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, and Ripple how are I0C and IXC still equal? As of 2018, both are fully minted, mined, and inflation proof. More tellingly, the I0C ANN page I have referred to many, many times has this little admission from their dev, brooksby:
Have you ever noticed the “version” on the Bitcoin Core block explorer. For the genesis block (0) the version is “1” … throughout time we have seen version 1, 2, 3, 4, and … 0x20000000 ??? Remember I wrote about a “tonal Bitcoin” ?? And how 0x actually means three digits and not 2 for just 0 and x? Let me quote:
In fact, if you are reading any string that starts with a 0x in decimal, you are reading it wrong. A quick explanation can be found on the BitcoinWiki page for Tonal Bitcoin:
The tonal notation is not supported by fonts bundled with popular operating systems, and so usually requires extra fonts to use. Within the programming community there is a widely accepted convention for hexadecimal notation: use A-F for the higher order digits. Thus, one counts 0,1,2,3, … , 9,A,B,C,D,E,F,10,11 …. There are even two conventions, (which are lacking in tonal notation) for distinguishing a base-16 number from a decimal. The C convention prefixes 0x and the Motorola convention suffixes h. So, the number san, 256 (decimal) would be written 0x100 or 100h. In tonal notation, it would only be written 100, and thus potentially confused with decimal 100 which is 0x64, though this confusion is less of a problem for Bitcoin since the context is always explicit (SI/BTC vs Tonal/TBC units).
We need to look into this Motorola convention suffixes more…
H = Hand held radio. Note that in Moto’s set of definitions a handheld is not a “Portable” (see “P” below).
Bingo. Cell phones. Your mode of I0C operation and its purpose in scaling the internet :) — and Bitcoin, I guess.
Let’s also go backward (no pun) and check out the C convention and why it uses the 0x “Tonal” notation to express a hexidecimal number:
This is how we indicate a hexidecamal with a tonal code using either a prefix or a suffix. The prefix exists on the traditional web, where there is more room and more powerful processing. The “tonal” hexadecimal is the code that is used on the mobile end of the network. The meeting of tonal hex (mobile hex expressions) and traditional hex (like SHA-256 or SHA-512 in Bitcoin) can occur at IXC. But if you’re not completely lost maybe you now understand Ethereum and it’s 0x addresses are really used for mobile compatibility with the traditional internet and its hexadecimal addresses. You can develop “dApps” on Ethereum and Ethereum Classic and you can definitely connect with those apps from a mobile network to the traditional PC network. Just open your iPhone Facebook app. Does that status you post show up on the desktop version? That is the main link of Bitcoin and Ethereum. You own Bitcoins or Ethereum and their aliases? You helped fund that process since you bought crypto. Good work!
Second Point: Remember my non-pun “Let’s also go backward (no pun) and check out the C convention” ?
That is because the coder who answered the question in the screenshot above indicated that we have prefixes to make tonal “hex” compatible because C was created from B. What if A was created from B in a reverse type situation? Or more likely, we went from Bitcoin A to B and B and A. And because B also begat C, we can assume all three are 1. Do you see what I am getting at?
What happens if we start backward and go B to A and then A back to B into the future and combined with C?
Forget C. What happens when we dial back American history? America split off its parent state, Britain. What happens when we go backward with I0C? Does I0C (American Bitcoin) also represent Britcoin? Bitcoin B? It’s just semantics.
But I0C does have that “backwards compatibility” (I0 processes) and I believe because of that it will connect again to the network, or perhaps just be diverted backwards to create REVERSE ENTROPY and correct the true state of Bitcoin’s block sequence. I0C may very well still be connected to part of the network as Bitcoin. Maybe just not the current direction it is going in?Remember the orphan blocks? I0C simply can reverse time to Bitcoin B.
That leads to Bitcoin C? Remember we started with Bitcoin C? What if I covered Bitcoin C, B, and then A? Maybe Bitcoin split into 42 million coins among A, B, C and however many improved versions of A, B, and C (think Huntercoin to UhX or CHI…) to represent equal amounts of forwards and backwards, but also matches A and B with Bitcoin C in origin?
Bitcoin C (IXC) only has a little over 450,000 blocks — making it the smallest. If you look think about it in four quadrants, maybe Bitcoin has been moving in the simple graphical pattern represented below. This is just an educated guess of mine. It’s mathematically covered in this article I wrote. All three Bitcoin’s start and end from a certain point in an on and off manner:
This is a better representation of the inner expression I was trying to show. Basically 180 degrees is both IXC and I0C…
And what exactly is the Ixcoin icon? It is just an I crossing a horizontal plane of two lines at the moment. Notice how the I0C icon has a network that circles and includes the I without the two intersecting marks… So maybe my above picture would represent better if IXC ran horizontal back and forth, as well as up and down the i-axis. Maybe Bitcoin A and B go both up and down the i-axis as well as make a complete circle to IXC. Envision it, because its more likely that is the case, and I cannot possibly do another drawing right now! You get the point.
Bitcoin A, B, C can combine and become Bitcoin2x (Bitcoin A+B as XIC and C as XIC as well for a total of 42 million collectively). Other implementations of BTC existed as well. You cannot leave out the beta-Bitcoin chain that has been and will be improved upon as B2X (Segwit2x). What the final merged Bitcoin will be called, I have no idea. But ABC would fit the bill. We have to factor into account that this Bitcoin 0–11 (from the same origin, the genesis block 0 to I⁰ which = 1 to IX which = 9 to 10C (I0 roman numeral 1 and digit 0) to XI (reversing IX to XI) the XIC coin, which goes forward now on its perfect loop of a network and scales infinitely using the combined processing and storage efforts of correctly linked mobile (including satellite) and in-ground cable networks. It was crowdfunded by these original coins and their improved derivatives that may have been linked in the network at one time. It is important to know that there is potential the rewind discussed earlier (state reorganization) could connect and reorder Bitcoin to a genesis date that pre-dates Block 0 (January 3, 2009). It should not, however, change the validity of the coins discussed here. Just don’t be surprised if something crazy happens and we find out the birth of Bitcoin was something like Ethereum Classic, but back in time. The possibility exists!
Other Bitcoins have emerged since the original genesis block and are likely to be merged with the mainchain if they have not already. For example, Bitcore is a very similar implementation of I0C, but its distribution by airdrops leads me to believe it has been made to even out fairness of distribution as well as improve on I0C original technology in order to be merged together with all Bitcoins as BTX — Bitcoin 10, which is also I0C, which is also XBT or just, the genesis Bitcoin which the original three (A, B, C) were generated directly from. The differences in technology were coded later on. It is very intriguing to me right now that seemingly all of Bitcore’s links on coinmarketcap are down — website, block explorers, etc. The timetravel function may be in full effect!!! Remember that incompatible internet timestamps cause a world of problems for nearly all websites and programs. That is the problem crypto has set out to resolve, and this is no doubt another exercise to test the resilience of the solutions these different Bitcoins provide.
XBT, or the beta-Bitcoin blockchain that included the original I0C and IXC became an improved mobile scaling version known as Bitcore BTX. These later copies of original Bitcoins are also Bitcoins. XBT may have remained in the very same original genesis state of Bitcoin which was designed to cost a lot of electricity (energy), which was an effort in both securing the network by hash rate and as well as putting electrical value into Bitcoin from the very beginning.
Bitcoin is gold.
It is a store of value.
I hope you see that too.
XBT is Just Outdated Bitcoin
Bitmex trades XBT (and we have always been told its the same thing as BTC), but perhaps those days are over and a new and improved XBT will rise. We always heard about Bitmex being where the “whales” traded. Could it just have been an arm of Bitmain or its associate investors? Did this create the beginning of Bitcoin’s immense value. This value only increases in time as we now have a secure blockchain which can combine and be bulletproof when it comes to security, but also provides energy saving solutions such as pruned chains, mobile network scaling, tonal and hexadecimal compatibility as we have discussed here and now. It is all linking as we speak. Bitcoin has dropped its energy costs and thus, its transaction fees. Perhaps the network is not yet correcting itself, but the XBT being mined, or the improved version of XBT (B2X… XB2? XB-Two) was merged into one amazingly coded and time tested product. That is my running theory. It makes perfect sense that we may already be implementing a B2X. There is a delayed hard fork in the Segwit2x github code for Bitcoin block 528,799. We are nearly there. Let’s all buy some of these coins and force adoption sooner :). That is exactly why I wrote this for you to understand. I hope you feel safe in your IXC, I0C, BTX, BCH investments. There are more, but you may look it up. The main and original players are there, and those are most important. Over time XRP could have been involved in this. Furthermore, XRP could be a representation of Russia. X-R-P with P being the symbol for Russian ruble currency.
If Bitcoin has some Russian influence in its history than what a better place to debut the truth than at the 2018 World Cup which is hosted in Russia, beginning next week. An announcement in advance may be forth coming… I have even seen talk about the 7th being a significant date on various bitcointalk ANN’s for some very interesting early coins.
These examples exist all throughout crypto’s history. Just ask XPM, known as “Primecoin” if it may be attributed to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Final Thoughts
If you have never seen this type of explanation before for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, at least core cryptocurrencies, I hope that this gives you faith in not only its value, but the ability of people who lead conflicting governments and conflicting companies of the private sector to put aside their differences to solve a problem for the entire planet. Never has there ever been such a cooperative and peaceful effort on a world wide scale in the history of the planet. That is the very reason we need to stay connected, across the globe, because the internet brought everyone together like this — in a way my grandparents and your relatives who lived during World War I or II, EVER thought was possible.
It is not my intention to leave out governments, or solely attribute one part of any international and national sector for the majority contribution of this effort. This effort has taken the worldwide populace and helped it work together, knowingly or unknowingly. I am sure there are old tensions that still need to be worked out. There are some current tensions that likely need to be worked out. We are not utopians and we never will be. But we can have peace and do great things for the world. What we see here are the efforts of leaders that care about their people enough to help finance and fund their future. That in itself is heart warming. It should make you feel good. As an American, I am proud of what I have discovered as well as what I will discover about my country’s governmental and private sector contributions to this project. As an individual, this whole experience is the end result of a transformation I made to not try and convince anyone of what I know to be the truth. What I look to do is provide adoption when the truth comes out. Perhaps this is the first time you have heard this, and you make it big with a slam dunk type investment. I applaud you. I plan on holding the IXC, I0C, B2X, BTX which I covered here as well as coins I covered in preceding entries such as Bitmark, NMC, etc. for a very long time. I would rather use the currency because it increases the future value as well as rewards the devs who have made extraordinary efforts to push adoption and development while likely not receiving pay for quite some time.
If you are an institutional investor, project lead, dev, or other crypto insider and are in charge of the fair distribution of the coins I covered in this article — I will gladly keep pushing this message whether you donate to me or not. One developer is sending me a coin I simply cannot afford, but I will use and that I believe in. Another, who I will not name and embarrass publicly sent me 1277 of a coin I covered here, most likely full well knowing the future value of that coin — even though he will never admit it! These kind of things have given me an idea of how I can evolve and treat even complete strangers going forward.
I see with clear eyes and ignore the noise. It never will matter to me again who hates who or who I need to convince what of, what matters is how well I can look past my own differences with the people and the world around me for the greater good. I have already gone above and beyond to alert friends, family, and just people I come across in life of these opportunities. My friends that trust me and have taken me up on these propositions will never regret it, and I already appreciate their trust. Trust is hard to earn, even harder when you are doing something out of your own good nature. I won’t deny that it hurts to see people close to me not trust me and trivialize these types of discoveries.
In time I hope people who didn’t trust me that I love and respect read this very entry and know I do not hold grudges, I only move forward. I can handle that kind of pain as a full grown adult. It also makes me happy to be a part of a community that has collaborated on a large scale and put aside their disagreements to work together. That must have taken some extraordinary trust. I look forward to the full story when it comes out. If I have represented myself poorly in the past, I have grown from those instances to this day. I fully intend on living life that moves forward in a giving way, as the people who made all of this possible have done behind the scenes for so many years. I hope to show my appreciation for the opportunities afforded me by their efforts each and everyday… so long as I am absolutely blessed to live in a world like this. Life is sacred. Whether you know someone or not. Everyone in this world matters in one way or another or has at some point in time. That is something this whole experience has above and beyond proven to me.
Seriously, I could never thank those responsible enough.
I just want to continue the work they started.
Welcome to the Internet of Trust,
Daniel R. Treccia
Donations very much appreciated and valued. Adoption effort — a given. It is time for some of the public to push forward the positive message I hope you have received from reading my thoughts here. Thank you for taking the time. Don’t be afraid to drop a note sometime, I will always respond when I have the time to do so.
If you have the money to spare, be sure to check ANN’s for the dev donation addresses too. Below are my own, email me if I left out your coin your represent and I will find you an address as well as a public thank you. All projects matter and I am sure I missed out on some key projects. It was not intentional!
IXC: xYWFvHhN8kDCuAoKytyQupWSawXjnoEKxj
I0C: jXnrLkdpY6t9WuQ94bUcQoecRHnBtwieyr
BTX: 13qofNRgFsKr5VL9RKoW1k13sz2vPuYTnp
BTC: 1NCAkNWHwgf9C7irWdcXEGHiabVghNRyYj
B2X (Segwit2x): 1EM9Nrf8s1xfL5fmJwDL87kUQ77VS9EeDx
ETC: 0xace05ed5c296616aab1f35741803e887fb36f7e0
BCH: bitcoincash:qz6jlw7x2wnjfzfrhyglmqrlgdrlpwashcnkd8nul6
NVC: 4PqKfupZmKb5YqUqCTSAzqoVZq7YS52hdE