Well Gav get ready for some weird 0 Key, EVMPARTY py libraries for Counterparty from May 12, 2016, this particular addr from a creator of many silly ERC-721 the 0x3f (ZERO_ADDR_..) in that py code received one of "frozen metadata" and from the person who received just one ERC1155 https://opensea.io/0x6f53E6F92E85C084E10AAf35D4A44DEE6a27892d?tab=collected #MINECRAFT lol - It was only in all of this I happened to find their weirdest "Genesis type hash on Etherscan.io from way back ending in bytes 1010 that had an address try to claim 16 days ago "ownership" over the address with the asses from it. And all of these ethereum accts/contracts had connection to "TheDAO" (DAO) tokens ;) as well as your wallet from that project... heh